kymmiekat Arc User


  • To this i have to say Zulu had lost all but one land and faught there way back so what do you mean they didnt earn there land?
  • Cres dear I was making the point its laughable that a KY member would betch about the TW when they themselfs did the same thing
  • i was in this war i stood on a wall with a ky member(wont say who that member was) doing nothing were for 45 mins KY killed everyone else inside base so yea and what was said at the end was "Thats to teach on bidding on us"
  • I have all the respect for yu actually showing but i have been in a TT run with your faction and recieved nothing from it becouse the Mayhem wanted both mats i needed so dont give me that you are a honest faction and I hate to say it but as a lower lvl i pked more but you and Ky. Not zulu.
  • I have to laugh at this qoute when it comes from a faction that did the same thing to Emperno when they bid