kopurtion Arc User


  • So what is the era we are talking about ! It all started with two guilds forming, bent on taking only the best geared peeps. Valhala trying to recruit random ppl with **** brains but op gears, and Catalyst trying to recruit op players who have shown their ability to play using their brains. After a while, they came…
  • Burnout, There are smarter people who keeps their heads free outta ways to make money in game, works a bit harder in real jobs and gets r9 or whatever. So, nothing to brag about, and start feeling dumb that you wasted so much of your thoughts and electricity and resources (needed to run pwi and afk catshop) for a game that…
  • Pathetic. Well haterz gonna hate. ciao. b:bye
  • Why do ppl trashtalk n QQ in polls, just give your votes and then GTFO. The other four doesnt even come close to wolfbrian and thebigone. So go QQ moaar about conspiracy and **** and alts and whatever:: i mean why would there be alts voting when there is just 30 votes in total LMAO. And who is dis venomous **** thingy. Did…