kiralia Arc User


  • Has anyone managed to open it yet?
  • lil trick to get those things off your tail.....they will follow you forever but if you ride up really high then disengage your flying tool so you drop really fast to the ground you can get out of their range and escape them.
  • Well they now posted an answer to when it ends...Feb 11th, but still no answer about those Riddle Lanterns. They are NOT mentioned in any of the event announcements, patch notes, gm posts, player I the only one who can see them? lol
  • kantorek I am still seeing nothing about either how long the event lasts or the Riddle Lanterns...any news on this for us?
  • When does this end? The patchnotes do not say. Also what are the Festival Riddle Lanterns for? There are a ton of them all around bridges at the centre of arch and all are numbered.....but again no mention of them in the patchnotes regarding this event. Enquiring minds wish to know :)
  • meh do hate when original posts get edited :p
  • So basically your archives are worthless as you edit them when you feel like it....good to know. The point of archived news to to record the news AS IT WAS PRINTED THEN not to reflect changes that happen after it. Post an announcement stating the problem and that charm packs have been taken out because of it and will be…
  • If they had said it was a temp addition nobody would be worried about it, the problem it that it WAS advertised as permenant. You can be an insulting fanboy all you like it doesn't change the facts.
  • *sighs and shakes head* Yes these packs were always advertised as permenant, even when we later double checked that fact we were told they were permenant. So WHY have they been removed? Easy for xarfox to say no worries and then give no information, but personally I…
  • how long til they bother with it i wonder
  • Some things SHOULD be announced ahead of a patch nd really have no impact on any kind of security issues. For example removal of charm packs (which are supposed to be a perm addition btw).
  • Yupo just looked it up and to quote from the announcement Finally, for our value-minded players, we are introducing permanent new additions to our boutique in the form of Charm Packs and the New Player Pack. These value-priced bundles…
  • err when the gold packs were added (and when we later checked) they were advertised as a permenant addition. At no time (to my knowledge) have we been informed this had changed or would be changing. Sounds like an accident or **** up or some kind to me
  • There are 2 items which both appear to have the same name....Hsiaoko's Mantou....however 1 is a quest item and unusable and the other is the reward from that quest and is an item which recovers 500 HP and 500 MP, similar to the pink potions in game or the halloween treats. What I believe has happened is that the coders…
  • It worked for a few hours yesterday but now has stopped working again.
    in Snowmen Comment by kiralia December 2008
  • It seems its not just the fb79+ stamps, seems to be fb69+ as we have done several fb69 and not had a single stamp drop. The bosses do drop the wraith badges but no darkness stamps from the mobs at all.
  • We are also up to this part and wondering how much more there is to go before we get the device.
  • All other buffs my cleric has you can cast before they have run out and they will overwrite the existing instance of the buff and reset the timer. Aegis Spirit and Magic Shell apparantly do not do so. This means that it can wear off at very inopportune moments rather than being up and ready when you want/need it to be.…