not every arcance class is as smart as fay to wear +12 magic rings. Btw I guess u were very lucky with your nirvana drops; idk since when u can farm full r9 recast with 'a few' runs. I doubt ur r9 medals are from dq medals, ur toon is a hyper baby, a few months old. Medals are gone for a while tho. So... how about quit…
very true
i dont regret any dollar of these 15k, the point is that i dont have anything of it anymore
I paid 15k Usd, im not a 'free loader', u seem to have no clue, sorry
i wish small children like you wouldnt be allowed to use internet
i remember when u were able to work for your stuff, eg. buy rank with goldtrading. but 1,2+M/G is kinda high. in conclusion id say its just a sign, a sign to have less greed of money, otherwise they will kill their own baby