> @greenfire312 said: > Dawnglory only... so the perp is EU-based huh? Why do I feel like that tells us something...? Can't put my finger on it. For your info, Dawnglory is a merge of an US server, Harshland, and EU server, Morai/Lothranis. Your sentence is a bit... hmm I dont know, can't put my finger on it. :|
> @wettstyle said: > kinney, I dont think Dual clienting is the issue. It would be like mucho clienting, cuz its been known in game and by many members of the staff including Orinj that the rule is 2. I know that many people have trouble logging some accounts because of stupid Arc Defender, due to email adresses being long…
Always Dawnglory getting the blame, tch! and IF - i say IF (and there wont) - there is compensation, all servers will get it, as always xD But why is Dawnglory suspected of dual clienting? As if other servers arent doing it too... Or did I misunderstand the reason of that random maintenance?