Gotta go fast.
jsxshadow. Look at his sig.
It wasn't getting to kill the boss that was the problem. It was the npc used to turn in it's drops for rewards after the boss was killed. That npc also spawned outside safezone. Kinda hard to fight back while talking to an npc when people set up multiple vortex, barrage of arrows, dragon's breath on top of the npc. You…
It was the Bongso event outside Tellus.
Our rank 9 is different from China's. There could be a possibility that this weapon will be changed for us too.
If those were what we used in tw, I'd be okay with that.
You blacked out.
Good 'ol Tree of Protection and Ironheart.
brip brap
When you tele back to Wargod Gulch, you should of checked a glowing pillar npc. It was indeed a mailbox.
'Murica woop woop
Just let it go Sylen. You can't help everyone.
Yes, but you can use chienkun stone and keep the refine. It brings up the window for refine transfer when you attempt to do it.
A for effort. Prepare to be modded.
The dino skeleton.
You picked the right class then.
Did you block with the face yet?
It's too bad we can't have different classes with different races or I'd go with Tideborn Crocodile Barb or Tideborn Shark Barb.