killeresras Arc User



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  • Honestly I hate people like the OP. People who wish misfortunes on other people. Wishing punishment for a rule that shouldn't be here in the first place. I despise people like you. People like that are people who would sink somebody else because they can't swim themselves. The account sharing rule is complete BS in my…
  • a sb without puri= a dead sb lackluster class
  • Zerk crit has always been ridiculously broken. You see how much melees rely on it. To make matters worse they added multihit skills to the game basically doubling or even tripling the chance of zerking on crit rates that are well above 50%. If you look at any damage leaderboard the class that is always at the top is melee.…
  • Why would zerk proc rate be higher though? Even in PWCN version that seems pretty one sided. A proc rate this low is definitly not OP in any way if our R9S3 gears were actually requested then that would mean this low proc rate is what china has. If thats the case then why would PWCN ever have needed to add paralyze to the…
  • Thats my point exactly. Its not just damage though. For instance im a veno and that 4th cast wep would give me -12% channel which is highly valuable considering we have double def charms and i need to hit as fast as possible. That along with the extra damage no matter how minimal is important, but because it nerfs puri…
  • ummmmmmmmm whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I want sanctuary to merge with Lost City not the other way around D: please please Lost City players. don't go blue name on our server. ive been waiting for pk as it was an accident for me to join a pve server. STAY PK FOR LIFE.
  • From the tone of your post I am guessing that idgf. Taking in the details of your post I have discerned this... you are a carebear noob that cares much what other people think. Mentioning wc drama is pathetic as it is easy to bl those said to be causing the drama. Also who takes that stuff seriously? It's idiotic it's a…
  • Naa it's an opinion that's not naming anyone pretty legit :#
  • Nope. This argument completely shattered when you said mobs provide a challenge. World bosses are the only challenge. When groups attack them they aren't a challenge the same goes for instances. Yes you can't solo them, but they are group requirements. For group requirements they are quite pathetic. As I said pve is a…
  • I agree with op. Any responses against it are dumb. PvE only players are dumb so I refuse to take any of their responses seriously. More noobs? Idc more players is more players. Hmm what u all do not see is the fact that a server merge would probably bring back old players. Old players have left because of declining…
  • Yea I've logged onto LC and saw same thing. Sins ruining any good pk. The funny thing is how most sins are "friends". They kill eachother way to fast so they choose not to fight eachother from what I see. I log onto lost city and the sins all kill everyone else without asking, but if it's a sin vs sin thing they typically…
  • Yea, but I still find it dumb that anyone goes r999 to kill mobs. Mobs do nothing. They are repetitive and require no skill to kill. Most people say "it's more of a social thing" ehh can Skype for that. Wtvr though. This was my first game so I didn't know the difference between a "pvp" server and a "pve" server. I already…
  • Ehh I will really only consider my list the one that counts because I pvp more than anyone on this server. I'm reaper_flora, BtchWitch, MsDoomDesire, BabyGaGa, TitaniaErza, deadpool, djinnn, DGoddessDjin (all past names of same veno) Ok let's start the real list lolol. Bm - I will have to say tenijo, hculol, and Lost _…
  • SweetieBot open 500 Sunken Treasure
  • Hmm let me copy this veno style :) An AA class with a pataka -Most skills have short cd and fast channeling -Self buff that reduces damage by 30% and reflects 100% of all physical damage back -a buff that reduces damage by 75% and reflects 200% of all melee damage back. -self 10sec ig skill. -0def proc (turns defence to…
  • U sound more arrogant than hesoka to be honest. Isn't Morai like the lowest pvp server? It doesn't sound that surprising that u can't lose on a server with like 0pk. Unless these classes get a tidal like sins I hardly consider them to be OP by their skills. U were talking about arrogance keeping people from the top? U must…
  • I also really don't think any inis are bannable considering they allow for u to make them deformed in regular customization now. I think pill heads aren't allowed, but heck I haven't seen anyone get banned for them lol.
  • ? Is this true? I could be reading wrong, but I feel like your saying this. Say I am a sin. I choose sage to get sage tidal then I switch and become a demon for demon spark. Will I still get to keep sage tidal even if I'm a demon now? No I am not a sin.
  • Sparkie will their be new pots and such? Charms that can help combat new multi hit skills maybe? Or stealth detection pots not limited by level? Also new expansions adding in a new race typically mean new skills following suit. Do u have any idea when we might get new skills for each of the classes? Skills top gear any day…
  • I said so far as it did say the black Friday sale starts on the 24th and I see the sales so far. Actually i probably should've explained it more thoroughly in my response as the only thing I said was "oh lol I forgot to say so far".
  • Archers mow Arcanes down in mass pvp because of how hard and how fast they hit and not to mention their purge chance if r999
  • I don't understand how this possibly comes up as a response... I didn't claim to know sale prices before they happened. Highlights of my thread: Will their be a black friday sale on friday? (Hardly mentioned but was indeed mentioned) Will their be a cyber monday sale? Sale prices are exactly the same as they typically are…
  • I will always have to agree with this. I find the damage output of sins to be to much.Getting spark eliminated/cursed jail by every sin is very annoying. I want new charms sins hit to hard to be able to bypass charms with 3 of their top hitting skills. Seriously what is the point of giving them a buff that gives them uber…
  • Wtb forum avatar. 1 day later- fixed*
  • No they gain immunity while casting I read. If they can press esc. To cancel the casting themselves then they could keep using it as a Perma immune. Edit: oh never mind they become immune to debuffs. I still think the dmg reduction coukd be abused by using escape and cancelling the cast whenever they want. That skill could…
  • Umm u won't be able to cancel the moon spirit body cast will u? Otherwise people could have a Perma immune and the skill sounds pretty op
  • My ping is fine and has been fine. If it's server wouldn't everyone experience lag?
  • I'm going to set up my own event soon (pk of course). Will be somewhere in late December and will have a very nice prize ^^. Will have event posted on forums at the beginning of December.
  • Remember how they provided the primal world expansion early? Maybe they are trying to get the new pwi expansion to us early again b:thanks


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