I have, that didn't work. I've found out how to uninstall finally though (that was complicated), so hopefully when I reinstall I'll have no problems
It says version 168
I tried patch 1-52, but it said something liek the client server is too high or something. I wan gonna try to reinstall but I can't figure out how to..uninstall. There's no button to uninstall in my pwi folder, and when I go to add or remove programs, pwi is not on there. I feel like it used to be there
Turning mine off didn't do me anything. Is there another way around this?
i'm having the same problem. >.> And it never happened before for me either.
I'm only lvl 38 but I don't get the whole capping at 50 thing. A forum here said every 4 vit you get 1 physical defense so it seems more worth it to cap at 52 if you do. But anyways, I'll probably do what you're doing and not cap it for a while. I already stopped adding dex at 40, and might bring it up to 60 if I decide I…
I'm confused about when to cap my stats. (Axe BM) Rading this forum, most people cap vit at 50. And then I heard some people talk about capping dex at 40 or 60, but then I hear people talk about capping STR at a certain time. So I am so confused.