kethel Arc User


  • Ah, thanks for the info. Guess it works out for the best, most helms on MMORPGs end up looking stupid anyways. XD
  • Didn't feel like making a new post just to ask some questions when I was already asking questions in this thread. A few more things I've come across. I've noticed some peopl doing 'flips' or hand springs as they run or as they fall from jumping. How the heck do you do this? Is there a list of contros? Like what keys doe…
  • I just hate the 'double click' to do things. I'm used to being able to just right click on something and 'talk' or 'attack' the whole click, wait a second, click again thing is annoying. Just lemme right click it! lol
  • Phew. Alright. I just did all the quest today and was realized that I had all of them. Hehe.
  • Hrmm, that sucks about the character editing. My friend was happy when he thought he could be short and fat. He's a big guy in real life and isn't embarrassed or worried about it and wanted a character that looked something like him. lol Alright, so we're still getting the wipe? I guess tha the free Zen is just for messing…
  • Done that already, still get the message. So that's not the only thing going on.
  • I've done the registration proccess twice for my girlfriend aswell.... I have a question for the original poster. Is the email address you're using an AOL email address? My girlfriends is and she doesn't seem to get the activation email either... I'm going to try her hotmail email whenever the 6 hours is up and I can…
  • From the sounds of your issue, you're most likely trying to log into one of the two servers that are not available yet. The only two you can log into are Lost City and Eatherblade Not sure on the spelling of the second one, but both are the PvP servers for East/West. The PvE servers are not released yet in closed beta.
  • The notice doesn't seem to have an affect on us not being able to log in. My friend and I both signed up just recently, within hours of one another, I cannot log into my ccount, she can log into her's. What's even more annoying, is that even though I get that notice you've mentioned, I -can- log into her account. So, this…
  • The issue seems to be something about accounts created/activated yesterday. I for one came from an add banner located at The Keep, and proceeded to look around, create an account, go to the MMO place and get a beta key, apply it, make sure I got the green message for the beta key activation instead of the red one...…
  • Alright, I sent him a PM, I've seen an Email into the contact us email, and the one that it tells you to email when you try to submit a ticket. Honestly, I'd just attempt to create her a different acount, but I don't know if it's allowed and I don't know how much she'd apprechiate me **** up her names. O:-)
  • Not sure if it's illegal or not, so I don't really want to risk it. Beyond this forums how would I contact a GM? The support area has ticket management, but all it has is an email, and if so should I email them or should I have her email them from the intended email address?
  • Hrmm. Good point, I didn't really think of it from that stand point... Then is a class that's able to weild swords able to use both one and two handed swords? I'm trying to decide between a Cleric or a Blademaster. If I can sort of hybrid a Cleric to Melee with heals, that'll be the way I go most likely. I'm just trying to…
    in Shields? Comment by kethel August 2008