SweetieBot please open 300 joy scrolls SweetieBot please open 300 joy scrolls SweetieBot please open 300 joy scrolls
SweetieBot, please open 100 War Avatar Pack S
yeah mine is: P4 3.0 GHZ Win XP sp 3 1GB Ram (64Mb) VCard GeForce4 <<< this is the problem b:angry also if they will remove that book opening coz that a 3RD type our vcards are not capable handling that i wish GM will convert it to normal login procedure it will be good for us slow PCs out there.. they Step-up the Graphics…
i have the same problem as it take forever on opening books.... could u do something b:sadb:sadb:sad i think also its on our video card and memroy this book thing wont open coz i tried it on my laptop it works and i can play pwi but the hell i cant plan in the office anymore QQ i think need to transfer work because of this…
i think we guys have the same problem... am using: windows XP updated the direct9.0c game is in Welcome Screen and this is my problem When the "book" opens thats my lag and i cannot login game takes forever anyone can help me on this? b:thanksb:sad