OK. Makes sense. We agree on something there. Though if I knew for sure that a certain char was someone else's lowbie alt, I would probably still kill them. Nobody on this thread has mentioned ks except for you. Why would a lvl 7x ks a lowbie? That would be dumb. You would just get no experience from it, and you'd get lots…
Nono, Deadbone has it right
This is why a lot of people recommended going to the PVP server before they opened. It gives you something to interrupt the grind. Go out and kill a few people between grind parties. Grind a bit while red, its more interesting that way, because then you have to pay attention to whats going on, and who's around you.
Every guild has lowbies. Maybe you just didn't understand what he meant, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. He isn't KOSing lowbies. He's KOSing a guild, and that guild has a few lowbies in it. Or are you trying to say that all I would have to do to prevent you from putting my guild on KOS would be to recruit 1 lvl 1…
Really? Your solution to our complaints about prices being high is to give us a sale for two weeks? So for these two weeks we're supposed to buy as many hieros as we can, stock up in case the price never goes down again. Also, new fashion items? I don't think that was really necessary. People aren't wearing as much fashion…
I would think the exact opposite actually. If you're on the PVP server with me, and you steal my drops from an FB, you better believe you're going to be on the run for a while. On a PVE server, there's really no reason why that person can't just take those items and walk away with no consequences. Also, you can't really PK…
Maybe you have your google safesearch or something on. I just searched it, the websites weren't an issue, but man, the images....:eek:
Not that we'll see it for a little while, but Zhen=EP skill/aoe party
By level 50+ you should be able to solo FB19 I've already seen people with the blue weapons, which leads me to believe that there still are some people in this game who know how to work as a team and now just rely on a high lvl EP to keep them alive. to find some of these people to help do my FB