Extend the x4 and start handing more items that increase vita ex
I was hoping for a Twilight Sky pill..after all everyone isnt't TS 6..and the telecoustic idea..although will help with spamming...seems a bit extreme..1 hour in on download and still no blue bar..
Kemet here..ummm..*clear throat*...A numers game with you..Dropping you like use your numbers as a shield..effective, but mistaken..We know your strategy you better enjoy the borrowed time..we at you..kow that...I gotta taste for you blood now..mmmmmm..cant wait..see you soon..
The RRR9 Seeker Weapon Samsara is under developed and its obvious. We need a new remake of the sword that reflects its power just as majestcly as every other class. You could create an item low cost, to change the look of the sword, and if you saw it was popular, make it cheaper. Ask any seeker, you guys dropped the ball…
How many gigabytes is this siren expansion I'm sure I'm not the only one that wants to know all u computer savvy pw'ers plz get back to me