Sweetiebot please forge Requiem for me!
Sweetiebot please forge Requiem for me! again Sweetiebot please forge Requiem for me!
Sweetiebot please forge Requiem for me! again Sweetiebot please forge Requiem for me! again Sweetiebot please forge Requiem for me! again Sweetiebot please forge Requiem for me! again Sweetiebot please forge Requiem for me!
Uh right, forgot only demon wizards had 1.2+0.8 Pyrogram, witch is actually better than 1+1 :) Phoenix is indeed a low range skill but i use it more often than i thought i would originally do. For Crown of Flame, it is currently dealing more damage than basics skills with the dot for me (so not a dph skill, but usefull to…
I think you miss the point that we don't have only high cast skills. Pyrogram, Gush, Crown of Flame and Will of the Phoenix are all casted in the same amount of time Nature's Vengeance is and for more damage. Cooldowns only force us to use a Divine pyrogram sometimes. The damage difference is still getting closer though,…
Didn't know Stone rain has now 3 sec cd, how do you now that ? Did some others changes come in the same time ? Anyway, last time i checked Dark Stone Rain displayed 6 sec cd aswell.