PW MY has already banned people from India. IP block.
So I'm going to be able to connect at 11 PM tomorrow? Cool! I'll be asleep then!
LOLOLOLOLOL!!! : P~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your such a cutie! If you weren't taken, I'd be putting the moves on you for sure! LOL! ROTFLE! LOL ON AOL! ALL CAPS MAKE ME LOOK COOL greets and c.u. Santana :rolleyes:
Athlon 800 oced to 1523 with 1028 megs of Mushkin SSDR-DDR-QRAM on an Abit VHS-1100 mobo dual booting Linux Blackhead and a beta of Whistler.
I'm going to try both during closed beta, since you know, this IS a closed beta, and all of our hard work will be wipped in the end, so why not just do whatever the hell you feel like doing? Those talking about making a guild, etc, are speaking way too soon. You might as well skip closed beta and come back when you're not…
rezso seress szomor
Here you go Can I have... HARDCORE PORNOGRAPHY?
Of course on the other hand, you could be overly verbose, circuitous, and circumlocutory, and make most feel that even with their best understanding of English prose, they're just as handicap and fatuous as those they themselves dislike, and feel like a deign to a supercilious player. You'll make many enemies this way!
here's your lunchbox Give me a dragon
9/10 because the lion sexually arouses me.
OK let me try and explain it more clearly. Pretend this is little mary off-topic. (M) and this is little john on-topic (J). Now (M) and (J) are incompatible. But like this thread, they forcefully mate, and (M) and (J) give birth to (MJ). Little mary-john. Or little off-on-topic. See, it's a paradox!
Based on this thread, most of the world would think that 90% of Canada's either in or near Toronto!
Nope, I'm from Alberta too. What part? I'm in Fort Mac.
Alberta here!
didn't russian conquer georgia like last week? maybe they'd know.
How can you post an off topic post in this thread if the thread's topic deals with off topic posts? Wouldn't posting an off topic post in this thread technically make it on topic? *brain explodes*
I'd take Ms Vickies over Lays sensations anyday. The seasalt and vinigar flavor is like the type of chip God would eat. Canada has thew best chips in the world. *drool*
He's keeping vista because he thinks it looks pretty. If he's that stupid, then I guess he deserves vista. XD Vista's like that hot looking blond chick you dated in college, she looks real hot, but she's dumber than a doorstop, and mostly useless, incapable, flaky, unstable, and annoying.
wtf there's already a thread I made for this game. O.o anyways I died 22 times before finishing.
From what I heard, it'll cost between 20 and 50 a month, 50 to 100 is you're real important and hardcore.
Your character will be destroyed by the almighty allah in a fit of rage upon the earth.
I think it was the 15th originally but then changed just a few hours/days later to a few days later. The date on that site hasn't been updated for a while.
That's why I like Canada. Sure pot's 'illegal' here, but cops don't care unless you're causing trouble with it, and the worst punishment is a fine. I KNOW the USA is wasting their time being so strict with pot. Only the USA and middle eastern countries are so strict and rough with pot smokers these days--oh, and communist…
It finished for me in 45 minutes no problem.
Maybe after they update the forum to allow avatars?
I don't think they're going to run out of beta keys before the launch date. I wonder just how many have actually signed up? Is it going to be busy the first day? And welcome... what class are you going to go with?
They're all basically the same, except some are updated a little quicker than others, and some block foreign IPS and would be laggy if you weren't near the server location. The BIG difference I think is that this version is going to actually have coherent translations of stuff. I hated trying to figure out all the engrish…
your great grandma
- Scroll down and look for 'directx'. *facepalms*
Some people are so rude. *rolls eyes* I really don't care about the theme music to be honest. It just sounds like any other game theme music. It's tame and doesn't really stand out.