kao Arc User


  • Good idea for a thread...if this develops well, they might make it a sticky. :) Anyhow: I believe "Archosaur" was the name of the original developer of this game before Beijing Perfect World absorbed it so this is more of an homage than random name-giving.
  • Unless I misinterpreted, in your initial post you listed some actual bugs that need to be fixed (i.e. "Northeast vs. Northwest"; "Wolfmaster vs. Wolfkin"; "Unavoidable Barrier"; plus any and all obscure/confusing quest dialogue that could hinder gameplay). So if the translation bothers you enough, submit a report. There's…
  • Also true -- no guarantees that all bugs on the list will be fixed depending on the state/quality of the localization as a whole.
  • The QA team is charged with correcting the major text and grammar issues throughout the game so if they find something that is technically correct, they know they can move on to bigger problems that are worth their precious time. That being said, if the QA team sees that the public is not happy with certain questionable…
  • You can turn a complaint into a report nice and easy. Polish is priority 1, but like you said: there's too much text to perfect the localization, even among 10 people, so everyone's eyes and ears in the beta reporting fixable problems would be much appreciated ;)
  • Whoa, hey. Let's play nice. [Insert smiley-to-defuse-the-situation] xD
  • If you list the steps to reproduce the bugs they can fix it ease-peasy :)
  • thats a cool Fox McCloud. I hope it isn't photoshopped =] I'd post a picture of my canary from a looong time ago, but I don't think i have any. Just try and imagine a cute canary with orange collars on his legs and 1 toe missing. =X
  • I think i almost had some Jerk somewhere....i coulda sworn it was somewhere ...I think Red Robbin? If i remember correctly my friend ordered a Jamaican Jerk sandwhich and the waitress almost called him a jerk trying to read the order back
  • OST's, Rock/Alternative, good hip-hop/rap
  • Granted, but your internet speeds attracted the attention of the Feds and now they monitor everything that you do. I wish for a lifetime supply of unbroken Karnage Tear and Proto Dart paintballs ;)
  • Cleric -- Because someone's gotta heal you guys =D
    in What class? Comment by kao July 2008
  • Name: Jerry Lee Age: 20 Location: San Francisco/San Jose, CA, USA Occupation: Full-time Student, part time game tester (summer time only) Major/Concentration: Aerospace engineering (going for B.S.), hopefully with a concentration on either rocket propulsion or design...not sure which i'll like better until after i get to…
  • The Dark Knight -- Booya!!! (Going back for seconds on wednesday) TV Shows: House, Lost, Heroes, and a few others that i can't think of off the top of my head
  • all this talk about how hard it is to stand the presence of homosexual men sounds borderline ban-worthy :(
  • gala-net! =O
  • i don't...i don't follow O_o
  • oh dang. top secret jobs are the best. i don't think my job is top secret. i mean hey, i'm in my 3rd week here and i finally signed a NDA yesterday, hehe
  • no need to overcompensate, we're all friends here...except for that time we poked fun at bunny, but she's convinced us to grow up, you dig?
  • ha, copy-cat :D
  • oh cool! which company do you work for?
  • You're a GM?
  • don't be overly critical; they define you in the most positive ways :)
  • ...unless you're a dude, but i know you're telling the truth =]
  • don't be so modest. it makes us ugly people feel worse :D
  • wait, if bunny's still 17 then am i a child predator?
  • works for me. either way, now there's a picture of a cute girl with a card that says she likes PW -- everybody wins =]
  • sounds a little emo, i hope everything's ok and not crying and bleeding in a dark corner. thats no way to live (no offense)
  • this "bunny" business coulda been its own thread, maybe even a tv mini-series. oh wait, i think there's already something like that...what was it called again? To Catch a Predator? i keeed, i keeed!
  • can't say that i have, but i've heard horror stories about the lag and localization =( This should be the best version..or at least best version for Americans/English speakers!