kamao Arc User


  • Thank you to the staff of PWI because of your failure to make this game affordable I started to look around for alternatives and I found Warhammer Online. It is great flawless quest system and pvp system just endless fun. If you made things affordable, I might have missed that one. Thank you once again. My only regret is…
  • Well this "sale" just confirmed it. This game is totally beyond my ability to pay. Yes I can afford one night in a five star hotel. Yes, I will be grabbing the chance if the said five star hotel offers discount / sale for their rooms for a weeks period. But No, I cannot rent their room for a month even because they are…
  • 3 Ok there are tons of people who gets the idea that wholesale change of dollar to zen will not support whatever cost of operation you have. However, you could always put middle ground items that is affordable to the masses and put in special items for those who can afford. For example, make silver heiro $1.50 and gold…
  • Odin is right on. My 2 cents is why even price it high and suffer the negative publicity? Look you are selling pixels. Unlike cars and other hardware, there is production cost, transportation cost and insurance cost. These manufacturers get it, mass production, sell more volume for less and make profit on bulk rather than…
  • Please respond if the cash items are priced permanently that way and please post if $1 = 100 zen = 1 gold is correct. I saw elf wing is 15 gold which is $15. Seriously, I played this game in PW-MY and did not buy a cent because I knew that the PWI will be online someday. This day has come and the price is nothing to sneeze…