kaleidoscope Arc User



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  • I see nothing is being done. I sense another Rohan debako. This time at least, when the GM's start leading us on that they are actually going to do something, and they actually give a fig, most people won't listen and will just leave instead. :3 Also, whoever said like $3 for a heiro is cheap, has never been in an AOE…
  • Every Day, My Guild Rolls Rq. Every Day Rolling.
  • Hello Admin, We are still waiting for the price fix.
  • I think the obvious solution is-- Make the zen:money ratio more then 1:1. Then we don't have to fidgit about what items we want lowered in the cash shop. Because all of it should be lowered. Marriage is insane. Clothing is insane. Heirograms are insane. Mounts are insane. Wings are insane. Teleport stones are insane.…
  • A,1. I had $50 sitting in paypal waiting to buy zen the second I could. I'm holding off now. <_< I'll stay on PW-INT, give it a chance. But if things don't shape up in the future I will be leaving to play something else.
  • With a $1:1 gold ratio, I will not be spending a cent on PW-INT, unfortunately. EP's go through heiros like water. 1-2 a day...up to $5 a day just to keep heiros going? I dread to think what the price of fancy wings or mounts will be. At this rate Wings of Seraph will be $99, and some of the lion mounts will be upwards of…
  • Nyra!<3 You'd better get your **** on and play. And Mystic he wasn't saying you were ex-nd ****. >_> He was talking to all the other ex-ND people that he didn't list that are slurking around in RQ right now. <_<
  • Mmm, thanks. <3 I loved that game as well. 83 And yeah, CB and all but still. It's late and I was only planning on playing for x number of hours. Now I'm going to spend x number of hours waiting for a patcher instead. XD Laaaaaame. And Nuno, I wish it was working like that for me. D; But it's not. Edit: And just when I…
  • Grrrr. >_> Everyone is going to be like level 20 by the time we get in lol. D;
  • I got past that and am now stuck on tasks.data. >_> They are big files but my internet connection is fine and they shouldn't be taking this long to download. I guess the solution is to wait for them to bring out a manual patch so we can download it directly. =/ But who knows when they'll post that. T.T
  • Manual patch please? >_>
  • We just attract people like that. C: Everyone has to stop by and talk **** about us when the game isn't open and nobody can do anything about it. XD
  • I LOL'd. Like. Seriously LOL'd. Archers are not the fastest class, not even close. They have a dinky run speed buff, but compared to WB's runspeed in tiger form, WF"s runspeed, Humans sprint, and Mages teleport, Archers and kiting is not near as effective as everyone thinks it is. Also, yes, the way the game works is you…
  • When Mystic is feeling randy, nobody in vent has their clothes on. >:c We are pretty much dogs.
  • -gets out the mousetrap-
  • PRETTY AWESOME, THANKS FOR ASKING. Whar is panicked response? We were just flaming each other, lol. D;
  • Can has celebatory secks? Pls? I has new computer on the way. Maybe not before CB, but definitely here before OB. :3 Plus I'll be getting off work for a while, so I intend to no-life for a couple weeks or more to break in the new computer. ;x But I really need to decide on a goddamn class. Stupid..****.
  • Omgz. JUNK? DUDE. I THOUGHT I HAD LOST YOU FOREVER. D; And. Shh. Don't tell anyone. But my balls dropped. >.> It was a life changing experience. Also I'm not sure what my in game name will be as I don't know what gender of character I'm going to play. o.o But it will be something like…
  • Sorry I don't play games I no longer enjoy. o_O Wait. No, no I'm not. I regret every minute and every penny I played and spent on MY-EN, as it's crawling with people like you, and ran by the worst comany I've seen. That server is infested with people who butcher the english language with every breath they take, such as…
  • I suggest that there be female Venomancers. Just because, if I'm going to roll a WF I don't want to be staring at a chick the entire time. .... ..... Q_Q
  • You guys keep forgetting that RageQuit has more then just the originals that played on MY-EN. I was in an entirely different guild there, the same one was t0yo for most of it, actually. I definitely didn't RageQuit with the rest of the loveable **** I'm guilded with now. For having an 800 ping and a intense hatred for…
  • I'm in ur waterz, killing ur moms. Lurking in water > hiding behind tree.
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