- works rly well for me, I can even log from my phone/pad. I've been using it for a few months and im rly pleased with it. Ofc it will cost you a monthly fee, but well worth it imo.. gl b:bye
I'm Demon.. I dont mean to be rude here, but my question was not what you would do/what skill i can use to speed farming up, my question was which build is better in dmg/farming. I've tried playing it with 4 aps and to me it seems i do kill bosses alot faster, but i want to be sure what the numbers/math says on this…
I'm surpised there has not been more qQ/rage (as it should be) over this issue.. I think it's starting to sink in for most what PWI have done with this "auto culti"/bot... If this was an atempt to get rid of the bot problem, it was rly bad and should be removed asap. But! what i think most ppl fails to realize is: This new…
WRONG! 95% of the r9rr's have botfarmed b:victory
+10 orb sale.. trollololol b:laugh i love that pwi have a sence of humor b:dirty
[COLOR="Orange"]If (think.he.can.troll==true){ trollBlock2000 = "ON"}else{ == true}[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Orange"]var care:Number =1var complaints:Number =0If (PWI.error==true){ If(complaints>=1){ care -=1 } If (care< -(10000000000*3.14159265359)){ deploy.compensation == true } If (deploy.compensation != false){;…
SweetieBot, Please open 10000 金蛇纳福 for me (lets see if she can open china packs ;)