you'll all have quests that tell you to go to archosaur by the time you get to lvl 20, so you're gonna meet there anyway.
Don't forget fox form max venomous and ironwood scarab, and check out the stickied threads in class discussion > venomancer
thanks! cuz I have an antelope pup right now. Not sure how to make it keep aggro tho, every time I crit ironwood scarab the mob comes after me ._.
can you actually start a topic in the lower depths?
Which magic tank you listed would you recommend the most?
Off-topic discussion?
A baby pet is a pet that can be used by any class, but does not attack or attract aggro. I'm pretty sure it can't be attacked. It's just there to look pretty and make it hard to click and select the owner in pvp and tw
Do your spiritual cultivation quests, which you get at lvl9. Those quests are always highlighted in an orange-ish color
I was just reminded right now because I was doing my spiritual cult quests on my lvl34 veno. The pterosaurs above hidden orchid drop a lot of meat, I got like 10 from killing between 30-40 of them. Also there aren't that many people who grind on them there, so... yeah. b:surrender
according to ecatomb (and pokemon), a mob that starts out at a higher level will be weaker than a mob within the same family with the same growth chart that starts at a lower level, when they get to the same level. way of wording things is kinda confusing, sorry about that. Of course, if you're eventually not going…
lol, even a cleric can outrun a mag >< You should keep it for a few more levels though, and depending on your build and server pet speed shouldn't matter that much yet. Well, that's just my opinion, don't take my word for it.
Longcat. desu.
feels like that for me too, but it's probably just because you're in the air. if you look at the minimap, flying mobs are actually a lot farther from you than they look
how is this a necro?
yeah, same here o_o
the first NPC you ever talk to in the game
fb19... ah. Go look it up in the forums, there should be a LOT of stuff on that. Basically, it's a quest you get from the elder when you get to lvl19 and finish your spiritual cultivation quests. He probably means that you CAN buy it, but it's not recommended because your supply box bow or bow that you get when you finish…
get to level 30
well... you COULD go experimental and do a claw/fist bm wearing light armor... I wonder if anyone's tried that before o_o just add a lot of dex edit: oh lol sry didn't see that part in the middle >< edit#2: there's an assassin-like class in jade dynasty... has open beta started yet?
Ah, a new class would be nice. I wonder if the whole male veno/female barb thing will be developed?
depends on your server
100 Zen = 1 gold.
If you've already paid for it, go to Charge Your Zen under Store on the website. Then click Transfer Zen to Server. Click Perfect World and select which server you would like to transfer it to.
On my lvl 6 alt, one of the Earthen Rogue things (I forgot what they're called in Plume) yelled, "Don't steal my treasures!" It had better grammar than me o_o
$1 = 100 zen 1 zen = 1 silver 100 silver = 1 gold so $1 = 1 gold
a kitty. not a tabby plumdrop, but a ginger kitty. the ones you find in towns :D
You get 20 rep from each wedding candy, and I'm quite sure you don't get to do Crazy Stones twice, cuz I was doing CS the other day with my in-game husband in the squad, and the quest was gone from my find quests list after I did it once.
Um, I actually don't know about its stat build. I failed on my genie and am currently trying to catch it up. b:surrender However, you said you wanted your genie to be able to heal and buff you. Heal = Tree of Protection. a lot of people have that skill on their genie. You might want to check out…