I was wondering the same thing about the whips. If it's not for a new class, i could see veno's using whips. Bad pet! *Wahcha* (Idk how to spell the whip sound...)
I am scruffy, not so fluffy. b:chuckle
XD I agree, the smexy lvl of males is not adequate.
I'm switching cause I only just started playing about a week before they announced the new servers, and will also be moving to New Jersey. (same time zone as server) And cause someone already has my name. XD
I'm curious, never really paid attention to it, but do you get an extra penalty hit to the endurance of yer equipment if you die? Bad example: ~~ Final hit made my helm go from 24 to 23, oh ****, i died, -1 to all equip. ~~ O.o
Barb was the first class i started playin as, i didn't get into the high lvl's, so i never had a problem grinding and lvling by myself, and for the most part i've allways been a solo player, so time and effort don't bother me. I've also tried the other chars, and personally, i like barb. b:pleased
oooo, it tingles..
hehe, idk about basstone, but i was only goofin. I was a guild leader once, and it wasn't exactly easy. All-be-it, one shouldn't think that makeing a guild is easy, unless yer just gonna be one of those 'do as i say or gtfo, leaders' It's hard to keep people happy, worry'n about lvl'n, who needs what dungon run, who's…
lol. F1, F2, F3.. F1, F2, F3.. F1, F2, F3.. .. F4. (Shh, don't tell anyone)
XD Be sure to supply yer own card board box, there are trash can fires for every group of six.
when i bought a weapon from ah and 'purified' it to put in better stones, it didn't give me the option of choosing which to remove, it just removed all that were on it.
162.. o.o
Homeless, there's a guild name right there.
Mage, BM, Barb, Veno, Cleric, Archer... what rest?