jiriki69 Arc User


  • OK... I just installed the game on another machine in the house (but slower and not one to run graphix intense games on...). It launches just fine! Connects to servers w/o any probs. No errors. Did the auto update to game v?.9. And I was able to create/modify my character. So that kinda rules out the router or ISP blocking…
  • Personally? I think you're full of it and you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I've been in software development and have spent the last 23 years in computer support (ya, i'm over 40 now). But seriously, it's not a "piece of cake" and it does take a lot of work. Still frustrating as heck, yes. And a…
  • Well, I thought it would help also, but when trying to add/open the port on my router I'm getting the following error: http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s242/jiriki13/PW3.png And when I try to ping the addresses you've given above, I get the following failure: http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s242/jiriki13/PW5.png Any…
  • I cannot even get to that point. I get the following screen when attempting to log in: http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s242/jiriki13/PW2.png And when I click on Start on the first screen (above) I get the following: http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s242/jiriki13/PW1.png :mad: