jeradal1 Arc User


  • Well, I'm not sure if this was the problem or not, but it did seem to help. Went here: Downloaded it. Ran game. Got to see a cool book open up at the login screen, and thats when I knew it was working. Ty for the suggestion, not sure if it was what was wrong or if…
  • Having this same problem I think. Essentially looks like character and npcs models just decided to be invisible. not sure whats up there. There is a thread on it here, where I posted more details about the problem:
  • Will check right after this. Also, an update, as I did a little more testing. Made a new character just to check to make sure that it wasn't only an existing-character related problem, and noticed a few more things. Names DO appear, along with quest markers, both gold and gray (saw Jolly Old Jones's name... and his gold…
  • Having the same problem man. Not sure what is going on. It worked fine yesterday. Probably some bug in expansion patch. To clarify: I can see UI, no chat appears in the box, however. I can see terrain, no movable actors appear however(NPCs, Mobs, etc.) I can see my own fairy's particle trail, however the model for the…