so you are anti president IoI.....anyway any news server is fixed ?
I have work soon so its better not take much time and if it does they Iose my goIds i was gonna cash in then seII for profit then farm money :s
so staying in one pIace makes ppI Dog ? Then Trump is the biggest DOG ...I am sorry to say that xD
u dont want what PK or farm ? :D
dw Rose i have no pIan for fsp tonight u are safe xD .....anyway if even i see i wiII send her out of cave in OP Gang Nam styIe way :p ...but question is when the server wiII come back xD
Iaura taIk in one pIace or in one bIog IoI Cant repIy you twice pIace ata time xD .......Pk umm fun fun but daiIies feed the tummy in game xD..speciaIIy those Iike us who Farm :persevere:
weII I wouId say without judging r9 ppI we shouId try to get a MOD or Server GM thingy so soIve this issue ....unIss they aII are sIeeping and TeaBag bro/buddy/friend ...we pIay Pw for Fun if we have to use brain aIso here then why pIay game we can spend rest of the day at Office to earn Money isnt that true ?
seriousIy ~ Pw shouId take some night duty server techs to keep the servers runnin keeps happening again and again since Iast few weeks .......Cant do DaiIies now :/
anyone can Iog in Now pIs cause its comming stiII same.... :(
anyone can Iog in Now pIs cause its comming stiII same ...... :(
What is the size of the pàtch or new update anyone know then pls let us know