ok servers are down now ? i thought there was something wrong with my computer. i just finished patching and everything, went to start the game and keeps telling me that i can't connect :) ok will be waiting a few hours then try again. seee u all in there!!!
well i like pve because its probably in my dna but my previous atttempts at player vs player have been really bad as in.. im terrible at it. i guess i'll take my chances at the dumb computers instead :) and im assuming that once you start on a server you can't play on other servers with your char? you must makea new one…
wow thatssome really short skirts.. b:chuckle and i would rather look different, then wear the same clothing even if it means i lose a few armor points. but thats just me, im wierd :P
im a girl... should i be worried about making a chic? and what do u mean by embrace. is it just guys asking u out over the net? i dont mind that im used to it alredy it happends every gameb:cute
hey there, im downloading too!! i've been doing some reading and well im going to be an elf with wings, might be an archer. but i've read that a priest/cleric is much better. i think for each race there is only 2 classes though. anyway.. let me know if u want to party. !!
Oooh now i get it, i tried logging in and out and wondering why it wouldn't work. well. i downloaded the wrong version of the game i think it was the asian one. which would explain why no one will talk to me in english when i tried playing. well anyway im downloading this international version so hopefully after i've made…