jackstryder Arc User



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  • Thank you
  • Thanks for reply. I don't understand the corelation between +12 and +350. Is there a site that explains things in more detail. I've been playing PW for a while now but have not had any reason until now to refine or add sockets to weapons or equipment. Before starting I'd like to get a better handle on the process. Thanks,
  • Say I had a sword with a magic power of 573 - 624. If I refine it and get a +1 does that mean it now has a MP of 574 - 625. Hardly seems worth it if that's the case.
  • Thanks for the info. So I guess even if I wanted the tabs they just aren't available for this quest?
  • I used wine on this quest. We noted that by each boss was a closed door behind which I assume are the tokens of earth, fire, etc. Do the doors open as each boss is killed? The leader of my party insisted that I needed "tags" for this quest. That's why the doors were closed. We ended up not doing the quest. I thought tags…
  • OK. Solved. There are two Chang San. I found the other one you mentioned. He's called Justice Envoy Chang San. Geez. You'd think they'd have given him a different name - like Wun Hang Lo. Anyway, thanks for your help.
  • This is weird. This is what it says on my Order of Justice 1 thingy. "Take it to Chang San, the Envoy of Justice in Archosaur to acquire the Justice Quest". 1. Chang San isn't an Envoy of Justice. 2. The name of the Envoy of Justice where you mentioned is called Li. 3. When you open up Li there is a note that says: "Hint:…
  • No, he's the Justice Envoy that you can get the order of justice from. I've already got my order of justice. It says to take it to Chang San in Archosaur, which I've done. But I can't get any response from Chang San. I'm confused???
  • Thanks for the info.
  • Yeah. I find this mold thing most confusing. If they only come from bosses and the drop rate is 1% then what do you do if your in the 99% - which is more than likely. There's got to be a way of getting them elsewhere. When I look in the Auction, people want millions for them, and there's probably not the one you want there…
  • Just one final comment. I made my items and amongst them was a 3 star Heretic Banishing Pataka. However, when I went to the Blacksmith he wouldn't accept it so I had to go back and keep manufacturing until I had a two star. When they say 2 star they really mean it.
  • Thank for the info everyone. I'll just keep at then. Happy crafting!
  • Well you may right, I'm not sure. When I check my skills they all say Mastery Level 20/30. Does that mean I've got to make more stuff. Thanks,
  • Aha! So they can be made. Could you tell me how I do that. Thanks
  • Thanks. That was the problem.
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