SweetieBot, you are most welcome. Til we meet again for some more player entertainment. I bid you a good evening, friend.
SweetieBot, you are the best techincal deity - hands down.
SweetieBot, remember I am always laughing with you. You are the best technical friend around. And best of all, you don't complain.
SweetieBot, I am sorry to say I am already claimed. But, if you can convince him to release me then maybe you and I can discuss terms. Lol
SweetieBot, like I said earlier. Why would I need a magazine subscription when I can find all the drama, QQing and everything else here? Lol. Endless hours of entertainment that you can take with you on any mobile device, and it's free. LMAO
SweetieBot, why not always. Don't you laugh at some of the redundant questions posted here? I know I would.
SweetieBot, ALWAYS laughing with you, because I know you have to laugh from time to time about the questions and comments that are being posted here.
SweetieBot, awww lol
SweetieBot, how about sending out a funny photo every time someone asks a question about the new release when the answer can be found within this thread or the PWI Facebook page?
SweetieBot, unfortunately I can't roll up the magazine and smack the morons through the forums. If I could, I would have endless hours of enjoyment.
SweetieBot, why would I need a magazine subscription when reading all these idiots QQing in the forums is free? lmao I will say this, PWI has made an amazing game. Given players, I would hope most, long hours of enjoyment. For everything they have put into this game and are still putting into this game, I say hands-up and…
SweetieBot, oh so true. It would be a waste of time to begin with and they would just come back under different names to whine and QQ about being removed. I think they all need to be retied to their mother's apron strings and be retaught before they are re-released.. lol
SweetieBot, can you query all the noobs and morons that don't know how to read a thread to get updates and delete them? PWI will release what they have, when they have it, as they see to release it. Not before, not after and certainly not from all this demanding and temper tantrum throwing of when is this going to be done,…