What did you mean with that? You meant the R9 weapon? rofl
Thank you a lot for your help man... I will stick with T3 then, and my plan was to get GOF, specially for that PVE part lol
Funny thing is: I bought the skill for 8m, the next day I did EU and got it. But I sold for 12m rofl
Rofl, think i'll have to do it xD
Yeah, they're from EU, the ones from AEU I already have lol
Yeah, I do EU everyday... The thing is that I always get the same books out of bad luck and no one sells the ones I need =\
If it does come a bit later, I don't really doubt people who already got stuff will get them AGAIN...
Ikr... it is so unfair! It is so hard to have good stuff and when we're about to get a chance (or not), we are excluded from weird lists
But my friend (who got everything) has never charged a single cent into the game lol