VN guild/faction website, I can certainly appreciate the planning and work put into it; even though I am stirctly a "push the button, is it on yet" type of pc user. I am sure the members of Shadow will benefit from this awsum tool. However, the basis for my application was not the site, but a few of the key words in the…
Drop the "International" in the game name. It's on line, we know its international. Get autoloot. Or at least have ur "click to get loot " propel my toon to its drops and pick all of them up at once. Constantly running up to loot, and multiple clicks to get the drops is most annoying, especially for caster/archer types…
Get auto loot, or at least have ur "click to pick up loot " propel the toon to it's loot. Constantly running up to and clicking to get loot is most annoying especially for caster/archer types. Get rid of the individual fsbo ability in towns and stick with just the auction house ..that will get rid of most of the lagin…