I AM SO CONFUSED... this deserved a Post why? b:quiet
Link me plz... RT people are so lame now b:cry
You should be sleeping kid b:angry
Your only troll i see here o.o? Go MorningGlory <3 teach these bishes the basics b:thanks (I would apply yo but thing is... I've leveled legit to many times to relive it again b:surrender)
DAMN!!!!!!!! Yall are so ALIKE Minus the not logging in for days Kiran be addicted b:sad
No S*** Sherlock i basically just said that b:angry Alsoo..... Level me to 100 plz b:thanks
Gank would give you fun TWs, Point of not Ganking is to make you all bored so you join smaller factions/ or split into 2 separate ones reducing r9 peenor fest..... PK ISNT DEAD EVER.... Pm me when you want to die b:surrender (unless ur r9 in that case Gtfo dont msg me b:angry) Most facs on the map don't have a full 80…
i lol'd
Me thinks this is? b:cute
Almost as if u've been waiting for this b:laugh
Idea... #2 fac attack #1 fac, I believe that is how things work b:cute
you totally edited out the cyber we had during that tw whadabishb:sad
RT = Full of Carebears No one pks anymore unless its to kill nubs, all r9s sit around fighting to see who one shots next white name they see b:chuckle
Glee b:pleased
$0 b:chuckle $340 as of March - April when i made this acc b:chuckle
Irrelevant yet.... I believe that's what you really meant <3 b:chuckle U c wut i did der? Ill give you this one cause I totally was wrong it was a late q.q Nope did not see what you did there b:cute
Haven. Some random lame has lead now though so guess i dun care about it anymoar b:cry
it came from my sense of humor* intellectual* using big words you dont understand trying to look smarter makes you look incredibly stupid!! hahahaha!! <- this. funnier is not a word. Keep the negativity out of posts its a game he said nothing worth trolling at all. b:bye
this b:bye