hihu567 Arc User


  • Well, you mostly rely on your regular attack so you'd probably be better off adding dex. I personally went Pure Dex. Although getting 55 vit then restating come level 60 sounds good too.
    in Build Comment by hihu567 August 2010
  • Mine used to be: Attack -> Attack -> Attack -> Knockback -> Frost Arrow -> Lightning -> Attack -> Winged Pledge This was at lower levels, ie. 20~. Then I found out that it was ridiculous always doing it on every single mob especially on ranged mobs because I don't have that much mp to spam that many skills and, my regular…
  • I actually know the OP, he was just recently my the leader of my past faction. o.O Anyway, what I usually do (and what do I know, my only char is my level 32 archer) is to use regular attacks, but opening with the shield/mana buff. If facing a melee enemy, use knockback and some kiting, and if really desperate, frost arrow…
    in Worthless Comment by hihu567 August 2010
  • ^is right <is a newbie vis not a newbie
  • ^Is going to turn into a demon once he/she hits 666 posts.
  • Give Me One Good Reason - Blink 182 Blink fan here. :)