hiddenmonkey Arc User


  • Get a better virus scanner that doesn't suck. /end thread.
  • Male Clerics look like females anyways.
  • Stop using Norton/Panda/McFee/Sympatico/AVG/Essentials/PC-Cillin and every other 3rd rate anti virus out there... if you get false positives you have the wrong VS.
  • Servers used to be 1 a long time ago and the only separation when logging on was picking which was the least laggy. Most mmo's call these channels within a server now.
  • Int r9 s3 daggers b:pleased Might take a while to get.... but soooo worth it.
  • No idea, my 91 cleric had none for the 5th (haven't done bh for 6th yet)
  • I imagine potions taste like eating dirt and leaves. If they tasted good there wouldn't be a cooltime.
  • Realistic graphics patch? Where? PWs engine can't even handle average cartoony graphics. I run it on max texture and the client crashes left right and center. Can't really blaim it on my computer. 64GB of ram, 6 core 4.0GHz i7 Sandy, gtx 680x2 SLI, PCIE Revo 3 x2... I should be able to run 50 pw's at max graphics with no…
  • People have only been asking to at least do EG eyes since EG came out.... I mean look at TB and their crappy low texture eyes. Made original class eyes look like EG compared at the time. Not that people haven't been doing ini forever and getting away with it mind you. The subtle ones never seemed to get caught. Not that I…
  • 1. When someone says they are new/rusty and asks a question.... S1. LOL in their face and call them a noob S2. Call them a plvl baby and kick them S3. Vaguely describe the situation with as little information as possible like saying first boss is no problem and failing to mention the exploding runes S4. ACTUALLY EXPLAIN…
  • I hate patients too because most patient ideas are **** and don't actually work in the real world. Then when someone comes up with a similar idea that actually works its some how infringement.
    in Pwi Comment by hiddenmonkey October 2012
  • My first was an archer which I quickly abandon for a cleric after watching them destroy mobs compared to my archer. My main draw however was the fact they were winged elves. Played veno after that since I could solo a lot. But then bam, just as I was about to switch to archer (because its actually my preferred class) in…
  • My old 'puter's CPU fan would flip out in Frozen/snowy areas. Now I know why.
  • Yeah, running through Arch is where I crashed a lot too. I was in South Arch running to west from the banker. I crashed three times before I even made it to the little wall behind the building on the west side of the road in South Arch. I was like wtf... I'm rocking 6 cores =3 I have buyers remorse and wish I got 8. I…
  • Tried solo'ing this with my sin. Everything was going fine. Then suddenly 12.5k hit and dead. My sin only has about 11k and I was like woah, where'd that come from. I normally don't bother with BH100+ cause I'm so darn lazy but a similar thing happened to me in a squad, took agro, even had BB, then suddenly I was dead. I…
  • I actually have the same crash issue. PW is loaded with bugs and you can't really blame it on my computer, because its awesome. And it did it to my not so awesome one either. Just because you're one of the 90% of people who can barely run pw with your ancient computer does not mean that the problem is not there. For a…
  • Ha ha ha thats pretty sad but the rare 80+ sin can tank pole+nob. 89+ its no problem because they can just spark off the debuff immediately not having to wait for most clerics who are very sluggish at purifying. In my experience bms and sins have tanked pole/nob better than most barbs. Never surprised, low hp, no refines,…
  • Human stupidity, the only thing that is forever.
  • "I think I'm in love with you." No times infinity! b:infuriated
  • The main answer depends on if you're Free for alling and just letting PWIs random distribution work... which sucks btw since I've had runs where items have all gone to a single person regardless of who picked up. Just an extreme case of the usual 1-3 people getting utterly shafted with drop distribution. No, what people…
  • Wouldn't a panda riding another panda just be giving a piggy(panda) back ride? Team work!
  • As far as I can figure they don't have the true snowman event because then casters can equip channeling shots. They say you have to use the shots/arrows to get the special bonuses... but I don't believe them or they'd have the event.
  • .18% is really low. Its like rolling for a scroll of tome. You may very well have to roll 1000 times before you get even one. ToBL has almost a 1% chance in packs and you still almost never see that in WC. So just using that as a baseline for what you're after.
  • Wait, how is favoring sage sin further balancing? They already have amazing sage skill bonuses compared to demons. New s3 dagger will make endgame demon sin obsolete. b:chuckle All they have right now is their single target damage advantage. My sin will probably be shifting to sage shortly after this comes out, along with…
  • Oh wow... Totally waiting for new s3 recast for sin. It has -0.1 int and +110 attack level >D Plus all the other goodies. Sure it lacks a few neat things about current s3 like 6% crit... Still I think an extra like... +40 attack level would make up for it and pretty much kills Demon sins with the int. Looks incredibly…
  • I'm not going to name drop another game that has excessive binding but it works economy wise. By binding an item it keeps it from going back into circulation. This makes even common items more valuable. But if you think PW is bad. Imagine everything you put on is bound, gear, fashion, mounts. You can't even give it to…
  • Pretty sure PWI doesn't determine where most items end up if you check database or eca you'll see the Chinese version has them in the exact same place. b:surrender
  • You can make anyone naked with a sin's stealth. Its basically a layered transparency glitch and not limited to Perfect World. Pretty much any game where you have two semi transparent layers the one behind the other will end up invisible. And to be clear 95% of fashion is semi transparent caused by the recolor layer. Its…
  • Girls are always treated better than guys. If you're smart enough to exploit that fact go for it.