So, basically either arcane or HA? I just hate how squishy they are, so I'm trying to figure out a way around that.
KOS. Watch yourself.
^ sometimes wonders why her big toe is smaller than the second toe on her foot < is dyeing from the disgusting weather v wonders why my itouch corrected my spelling of 'dieing' to be 'dyeing,' because it should be spelt 'dying'
In Soviet Russia people have jobs.
^ Has thought of animals while fapping.
I would rub it on my body. What would you do if you saw me rubbing the disgusting pie on my body?
Thanks, I'll need them after I take all the klondike bars you people just embaressed yourselves over.
Banned cause i prolly new dat but i spose dis be amerikuh and i spell how i wanna, foo.
Banned because how would you feel if a pen exploded in your eye? You'd probly ragequit. Nuff said.