hasnoface Arc User


  • agreed, damage wise they are pretty much the same. mystic has a pet to deal extra damage but that's like nothing. And cleric can buff themselves for more damage. looking at the skills I see no big difference. a mystic might do slightly more damage but would you sacrifice a better revive for 1k more damage?! I wouldn't,…
  • hahaha so true! I have a feeling Mystics will eventually die because everyone wants aps in squads and ONE healer and of course people will prefer cleric. mystic might be picked if there is no cleric at lower lvls but I can't imagine FCC without cleric. people will never sacrifice an aps player for one more healer and a…
  • Well I tried mystic for the lulz cuz I prefer healers but I don't like them... They look akward, they rely on a pet and not stronger than my cleric was at his noob lvls. He used lot less mana pots than mystic and there quick heal dont stack. I still prefer my cleric we have matk attack buff, and I don't need a pet to pwn…
  • Laugh? Oh, of course you laugh, you're a Veno, you have your HP / MP healing skills. Try a Cleric who has to eat mana food non-stop to heal other people's @ss. Especially if they have all Demon skills, they take 400-1200 mana / heal! Still laughing? Ha-ha-ha soooo funny........
  • I never wanted packs to go away. I am not a cash shopper, so I do not buy them. I just need cheap tokens / mana food, because my Cleric and my Psychic need them... Tokens are getting way too expensive and I have to use up all my daily income to get Herb Yuanxiao. It's not easy for a non cash shopper. I do buy some gold…
  • I like to have Venos in my squads (mainly because of Herc tank and Sparks) but I almost never meet Venos in FCC squads anymore. And my Veno is stuck at lvl92 because no one needs me in FCC. :c And yes, I have a Herc and I Amp often. I'm afraid Mystics will be in the same situation eventually. But yeah, we don't know skills…
  • Their Revive is a buff, if they forget it or it runs out in the worst time (during boss killing), they are screwed. Also, Mystics don't have BB (halves incoming damage + heal over time) and Purify. I have a Cleric and I do find it unfair Mystics get all these healing skills, but as long as they can't Purify and BB, I…
  • It's very sad if some classes are not needed in an MMO. This game is totally messed up, and I blame 5APS / Sins. FCC squads used to have Venos and Wizards, they had their own roles. Now what do we have? Cleric-Barb-BM(APS)-Sin(APS)-Sin(APS)-Sin(APS)... Or Sin only squads... How messed up is that? This is an MMO, all…
  • I say choose whatever you prefer, if you like Wizard, then play Wizard!!! Wizzy is pretty easy if you know how to kite and pay attention to the target mob's element. If you can't do these 2 things, it will be hard for you. Example: you shouldn't use water skill on a water mob, because you will do less damage. I find Wizard…
  • Wow, nice one..... That song does match the mentality of some people in PWI. Like, when tanks 'Play God' and pull way too much in FCC, or Sins in PVP... and the list goes on, lol. Ha, I want that song now xD
  • lol another drama, calm down kids, no one asked your opinion. The thread is about posting your favorite, here's mine! I like to AoE grind when I hear this lol
  • ^ I don't think a Mystic will heal in squads. I almost never see Wizzies and Psychics heal either... Most people prefer to DD. But I'm a Cleric and I can heal my squad alone, I don't need assistance, lol. <.< I'm really angry because Mystics get Revive buff, to be honest... How unfair is that? Clerics should have it. Sorry…
  • No, as far as I know, Mystic will have no mana regen skills and they have to give mana to their summons so they will end up drinking potions nonstop. A Veno can pretty much grind without any potions once they get Metabolic Boost, Nature's Grace and Soul Transfusion. This makes Veno a better grinding character. Also, I…
  • I started FCC'ing at 74 on my Cleric, it's always easy to find a squad. I had lame squads and pro squads, it varies. Anyways, that was one week ago and I'm Demon already lol. Gotta love Hypers. Now people want me even more because I have Demon Revive. b:laugh Anyways, some 70's are too poor to form squads (Teles cost a lot…
  • I know, but I used to think that Herc Venos are the best and the most wanted and... I'm not a cash shopper, I'm always broke and I just wanted to get to 100 with FCC so I can do Nirvana for money because solo farming in TT is boring. :( Thank god I could give my AA gear to my Cleric and got to 100 on her. =) I take MMOs…
  • Have fun. b:victory Sadly, double drops just ended, but the Hay drop rate is pretty good from Antelopes. There are many of them under Heaven's Tear, so you can grind nonstop. Make sure you do the lvl29 culti so you can recover mana with Soul Transfusion and some HP with Metabolic Boost. Veno is the best class to farm…
  • A good Veno, you say? Well, around lvl85 I was in FCC with an other Veno (2 Venos: me and her), I was the only one who was Amping, she was just spamming Venomous. At last boss, I said I have Purge and I'll do it and she was like 'What's Purge?'... She wanted to tank Messenger of Fear and her Herc died, mine didn't. I was…
  • No, I've been playing MMOs since 2004, so it is obviously not my first game. However, I never PVP, I do not like it, so I don't care what weapon 1shots other characters. I just want to enjoy PVE and I want to play characters I actually like. In this game, you MUST play APS, Cleric or Barb or people won't accept you in…
  • Make a lvl30 Veno alt with good m.def pet and farm Hay from Antelopes (around Heaven's Tear). Sell the Hay for 8-10k, depends on your server. If you collect only 100 a day, you can make up to 1mil. That can be done in 1-2 hour/s. You can even get DQs and gear drops! Put your exp in Genies, don't let the character lvl, so…
  • True. Spend 500 million coins on APS or a few thousand dollars or stop playing because if you're not 4-5 APS, people won't need you in high lvl FCC / Nirvana. No one needs my axe BM for 90+ FCC anymore... I gave it up. =/
  • It's not worth it to get a Herc anymore. Because of 4-5APS, they cannot tank at higher lvls (FCC, Nirvana). Higher TTs became too difficult to solo for us. Everyone wants APS Sins and BMs now, my Veno is retired because I am unable to find a FCC squad with her. I can only go to FCC with my Veno if my friends take me, they…
  • I really really really hope that they will nerf APS. I want casters to be useful again, because I love casters in MMOs and they are a lot more fun to play than stupid melees. My Herced Veno is unable to find FCC at lvl96 because everyone wants sins sins sins APS BM APS Archer APS my butt. There are only 3 classes in this…
  • they still love to have clerics just for more safety / buffs and to save money on hp food. 5aps ppl have to nerf their def/hp a bit to wear their shi.t that helps them reach 5aps, and some bosses can be tough... I've never seen a Nirvana squad without cleric.