handsomebwonderful Arc User


  • the lot of you talking are old heads. cheiftain battlecats go for 14mil in sanctuary. a gold charm is 1.8mil. you cats are talkin about when gold was 100k and a charm was damn near free. how am i supposed to get coin when TT mats have dropped to 100k cause people are desperate? how can you farm when people on +11m/s ppl…
  • now good sir may i please ask what mount you are on? cash shop mount? or (random)-pack mount? puuuhlllez tell me. you cant farm **** when ppl on +9283m/sec mounts are undercutting a barb fighting mobs. stfu. and if someone would show me that the random drops were truely random ill quit the game. im even willing to run some…
  • Thats the trade off. play the market for weapons youll never use. play the game and look at weapons youll never use.
  • all im sayin is that we get less than the lot. why do you need the first pick in TT when its even splits? GTFO we get no darkness stamps, no dq mats ever we get not drops. the barbs that are saying whatever... lets see what your real setup looks like. ive seen most of the lvl 8x-9x barbs. they have gear thats from packs…
  • hey. OP here. i didnt think this would go this far. i'll disregard half of the responses as either 1.Hater 2.talking **** just for the sake of it. 3.really dont know nothin bout being a barb. free charms? spoiled? wtf game are you guys playing? now for the record in sanctuary my name is ThatGuyAgain i am in SIN no one in…
  • i just posted this in another thread so ill help u guys too im gonna give you honest advice... if its not blockbuster or netflix offer or something you actually pay a little cash for, the rest of those "free" offers are downright scams fishing for your email and general area. half of them contain looped links and…
  • im gonna give you honest advice... if its not blockbuster or netflix offer or something you actually pay a little cash for, the rest of those "free" offers are downright scams fishing for your email and general area. half of them contain looped links and incomplete websites as in you fill out all your info and click send…
  • DING! but i'd never name it something someone already has. obviously there would be a way to tell the difference between named and unnamed weapons. maybe a different color glow or a denotion at the bottom where it says "manufactured by:xxxxx Named by: xxxxxxxx" the only reason for this would be fun, like clothes which…
  • whats goin on in here <Q.Q>
  • /thread. thats all folks.