haiz Arc User


  • It will never stop.
  • Here's my solution to you tards. Close your game. Go outside and do social activities for two days. Open your game and start playing. I just fixed your crowded problem.
  • I said there is hardly a middle class anymore, as in the numbers in the middle class are dropping and more are moving into lower class/poverty. Did you not even notice how even the mortgage companies are going bankrupt now? A majority is considered to be 50% or higher, but when poverty or unemployment is over 10%, there is…
  • You do realize that the United States is in huge debt, a good majority of the population lives under poverty, most of our wealth is held by 5% of the population or so (don't remember the exact facts). There is hardly even a middle class in America, we have to pay for health care, our gas prices are high, our cost of…
  • When they said they were going to lower prices, I thought they'd actually lower them. 50 cents off of something that was tripled the price of what it should have been was nowhere near enough. I don't care about the rest of the stuff, it's just the hierograms.
  • The person is full of it. GMs won't ever ban unless they actually talk to the player who is PKing people first. It's funny though because there have been GMs who warned people for PKing too much in the past though. They can only tell you to lay off some though but can't actually take any form of action.
  • Did you guys realize that there are the options of grinding to level instead of doing your quest? You know, kill a monster for no purpose other than to gain a small amount of exp while waiting for them to leave? There are monsters all over the map that are no where near the questing areas. This PKing stuff also happened in…
  • You should have a bounty put on your head for suggesting this idea.
  • You obviously don't like to read much, or you might've clickied a nice topic like this. http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=31391 I even changed the names from MY-EN to PWi because I always forget they changed the stat names. Con is vit and int is magi, but I changed it now.
  • I hardly consider the transfer from open beta to live "content" now. The game will be live when open beta begins. Live used to mean they will start charging you to play the game, or in other words for a free game the cash shop will be open. Now all games open their cash shop in open beta and have an open "closed" beta. Our…
  • Every buff that gives an extra side effect it never lasts over a minute. Usually they are 30 seconds or less, this one included. Also in the older version of the skill calculator it lasted only 15 or so seconds. New things are bound to have errors, that's what CBs are for, right?
    in Aha! Comment by haiz August 2008
  • Chemical will be playing? Is it same leadership as MY-EN or is it just some other random people?
  • It doesn't. It's a buff that gives a small side effect every time you use it. If they made the sage version give the matk for the full 30 minutes, they'd have to add the 20% faster channeling for demon the whole 30 minutes. Even then, giving either buff for the 30 minutes would overpower the wizard. Note the part where it…
    in Aha! Comment by haiz August 2008
  • I woke up I think it was 5 am once a week to go to my TW in MY-EN, you just have no passion. It's only once a week, and its normally on the weekend. Having it during the day when I'm not dead tired will be great though and a good change.
  • I'll be looking forward to PKing you.
    in Boing boing Comment by haiz August 2008
  • Choose a different class.
  • Don't think, buy more.
  • Man, normally you announce this kind of event at the beginning of the CB. I was content leaving my toon at 20 so I could idle around adc. 20 levels in about 6 days should be fun though. I have a slight motivation in playing PW during the CB now. I can imagine all the PKing that'll go on now to prevent people from hitting…
  • You're forgetting about the part where the WF dies and has a large tick to regain all his life after death, and a WF doesn't do 20k damage to a barbarian if he only does 2k. Get your numbers straight. And a cleric can only one hit a wizard at high levels, low levels it is more or less impossible. I'm talking from…
  • Umm, welcome to America, that's how we roll. It doesn't matter what they make or how much it is for them. One dollar isn't equal to one pound, and one dollar isn't equal to a Malaysian dollar. Just because we have higher wages doesn't mean you can charge us more. Regardless of what you say, each gold was about 33 cents for…
  • Yeah and I was water and belzebub.
  • A wizard can one hit a robe cleric, and a cleric can one hit a robe wizard, learn the game before you discuss like this. Like I already said, every class can kill every class except barbarian. I don't care that barbarians are hard to kill, its what I've been saying is that hierograms give them a much larger advantage than…
  • Umm, you saying it takes 5-6 people alone screams "overpowered" when the rest of the classes only take one person. Try reading what you said, wow. You basically reinforced my point of how a barbarian is a walking tank with a hierogram while everyone else is still easily killed. His damage isn't low either, and its more…
  • The only thing it ever does imbalance is a barbarian in PvP. Healing at 50%, meaning the more HP the more it does heal and harder it is to kill. Every other class is easy to kill. You just have to learn how to adjust, because they aren't going anywhere except bigger, better versions of them.
  • I'll be PKing fireblood now. Heath Ledger or Jack Nicholson? (Joker performances in Batman)
  • You read the part where I said you need to be a jerk to get a joy out of it? Hukedonfonix4u. I suppose you're just going to have to roll on a PvE server because you won't relax too much 30+ trying to grind. Don't get me started on seeing others suffer is fun for people. That is how comedy is done for the most part. You get…
  • Your starting set of wings can give you a 2.0 speed boost. If you were able to customize wings then it'd also make some of the cash shop wings useless as they are just normal wings but colored. Just stick to the cash shop for your new, customized wings. There will be many kinds but normally the cheaper suckier wings less…
  • There are XP charms in this game and they're for 150% xp. They aren't in the cash shop yet but they are in every version of PW out so I'd imagine it will be added in OB. Spirit charms do not exist though and they are not needed. There are many other ways of getting SP other than killing mobs. Don't know what they're called…
  • OMG ROFL ITS DJTAV0 EVERYONE RUN FOR THE HILLS AND HOPE HE DOESN'T PLAY BARBARIAN! Sorry but I had to emphasize the point with caps lock.
  • PKing is a form of entertainment. You get a thrill out of it. Of course you need to be at least part jerk to get enjoyment out of ruin other peoples leveling, but I know how much fun it can be. Imagine you as a 9x with a 8x partner going up against a full party of 8x's and winning, bwhaha. Sure I get red hours, but it's…