hagen2244 Arc User


  • I sent tickets over 2 years because the same bots from a big faction on Archosaur Server (This faction use a lot of bots for farming an win every TW with best gear)... No one from them was banned! I got over 2 years the same autoanswer... A friend said to me PW know the player and let them botting, all my tickets was…
  • Its useless to sent tickets! I sent in over 2 years a lot of tickets because the Bots and got only the same autoanswer from PW. PW did nothing against the cheating Better safe yout time... In my new game I got a answer after 1 hour and a man could help with my problem. Thats service!
  • With the bots we are: - Loosing active player (Player are in Reflection or botting now) - We get a hyperinflation in the game (thats why some player left the game) - Questing is only annoying - People are more aggressive now and rude sometimes, no more teamwork or chatting - Loosing social contacts (Factionlist show many…
  • He said wait till december... You must wait 11 months for the Compensation! PW promised a Compensation and they have never lied to the player b:laugh So long play we can play another game....b:bye
  • After a long time and very hard work I made my gear to +4 and my weapon to +5. All only with mirages and a lot of patience ( I got no Orbs)! I was glad for every small success. What do you thinking how I feel to see the player with full +10 gear now? it is the same, as if one has reset all my gear to punish me! At Moment I…