hacktrap New User


  • I understand that coding for Microsoft systems can be frustrating. Many years ago I took a C programming subject. In it we discovered that a small icon could be drawn diretly to the screen, but anything large had to be passed through a StretchBlt() function, which we were told fooled the system into believing it was doing…
  • > @nrglg said: > ...everyone here knows it's Windows 10; so what's with your comments?​​ If the problem lies solely with Windows 10, then why isn't it manifesting in any of the installed CD games I play? Also, why does the problem only occure in full screen mode? What is the windowed mode doing different that it works?
  • I also have the flickering issue with the PWI client in full screen mode on Windows 10. I have Driver Manager installed on my system. A fresh scan showed that all drivers are up to date. This suggests that the problem is not a driver issue. I suppose it is possible that Microsoft have broken something in Windows 10, but I…