guylardia Arc User


  • I dont have much probs with lack of char. at least have a male veno or something...only prob I have is that there are lots of look alike with the same hair style/color and build theres no individualism as if they were all copies of the same mold...I've only seen like 3 chars with the same hair style but I dont care about…
  • Well this is a dead given using your mouse and all....but for me none of the camera controls work for me...
  • Im not complaining about the lag but since Im playing on my laptop it lags like a ****...but depending on what machine your on your gonna lag no matter what...Now if I were to play this on my desktop which I have an XPS 420, which is about a year old, I wouldn't get any lag what so ever even if the server is full I'll…
  • Could of at least given credit to the original designer since the poster did not actually create it....but meh >_>