gundan Arc User


  • The pet will automatically use the skill that has a yellow box around it.
  • Build one: 2 vit, 3 mag, occasionally 1 vit, 1 str, 3 mag. Build two: 1 dex, 1 str, 3 mag. My question is: How much longer will build two survive? Is it worth getting the light armor over the robes?
    in HP vs Def Comment by gundan October 2008
  • That wasn't exactly my question, I would like to know how much light armor helps me, compared to 2 vit
    in HP vs Def Comment by gundan October 2008
  • Thanks for the answers, I'm going for archer then. I've got a couple more questions now though: Why is it more expensive than the other classes? Don't the wizards need a lot of MP potions, and/or the blademasters and barbarians need a lot of HP pots? I heard the slingshot is cheaper to use than the bow/crossbow, is the…