gothmog669 Arc User


  • Bringing back medals for higher DQ is sill theft. I paid a lot of money to buy DQ through catshops to get DQ for my kids... One has 400k DQ so to change value would be misleading and theft... not bringing them back is theft... I was a big CS but will spend nothing anymore. My kids have been told no more money in game cos…
  • Lots of real money spent in game to buy lotsa DQ for medals and now they are removed before medals bought. This was the only reason i spent money so as to buy the medals... i feel cheated... i think you're attitude PWI is disgusting, ignorant and i feel you are thieves. I have spent many thousands in game over the last…
  • I spent lotsa money and did lots of quests to get DQ for my two kids to get enough DQ points so they both would get R9. We almost got enough for both of them and you remove medals with no warning. Frankly I'm furious and feel cheated. Changes in rules should come with some warning... especially when you've gladly taken so…