goldjunkie Arc User


  • thats all cool and all. but isnt the recast alone like 1billion coins??? ive been told its ALOT of money.
  • lolz seekers long range skills are som of its most destructive skills anyways :P
  • im a pvp build. the only way im getting super good hp is thru nirvana +10 armours wich add 1k hp each piece. so i hit a bit harder then alot of seekers, but if i can hit that gemini slash and make it successful, wizzies, archers, sins, mystics alot is just a easy 1 shot lol ^^
  • whoa dude :D wen did my old bud get r9 O.o, lolz, i got **** i dont belong on this server QQ, but nice bro :P he usualy isnt the best sin u could face tho man.
  • pvp=refine wep always, u want to b able to crush ur enimy, u can use genie and crabs to cover for ur defence, (theres no CHEATING in pk ^^) but yes wep for sure if ur looking to completly destroy the ppl who try to pk u lol
  • only a couple things, genie can totaly **** up and suprise a sin, absolute domain/expel/faith. itl **** them off esepcialy, u can easily use heartseeker, then blur, gemini slash, so if they shadow escape, they will not b able to move and blur has 100% chance to catch them. then the gemini slash will 1shot them alone even…
  • honestly, i dont think so for the objectives listed above, the build ur looking for takes away ur hp in return for damage, seekers are good with vit, every point gives 15 hp. so id sacrifice at least som points to vit from ur str. it will help for fc, all sorts of dungeons and tanking. id say add 100 hp res goes to str and…