i dont know how to launch game without arc i guess im little slow in finding out ways to do stuff like that lol
is it suppose to be 9pm-10am starting december29-december30th is that the right time because seriously pacific time right now isnt 6am and it not december 30th yet and i failed to see why some of us kick off and cant log on sure someone can explain this
arch server map crashed and we couldnt get that problem fix until like late the next day and now arc having maintenance on the wrong time and kicking me off i love playing pwi a lot and i dont do nothing to be banned or anything is why i dont understand why im always in the group to not be able to play
it like 9:30 pm monday december 29 im on server pacific time ok why am i not able to log into arc and get in the game to finished leveling my stormbringer it says arc be down from 6am-10am december 30 and that is way off because it not even those times yet so how can i get back into the game and i know i didnt do anything…
im done downloading everything and it so pretty now also waiting for server to come up
i really thought this thread or this week we get the snowman since it is holiday season and christmas only comes once a year and it very nice to see the game decorated at this time of year but i guess we dont deserve the snow because i know i remember last year that they gave us earlier so i really convinced we not getting…
hoping this maintenance patch is the snowman plzzzzzzzzzzz lets hope im right.....if i am i love u pwi so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i will say hmmm... yams because it taste so sweet for the holiday season but i do have others as well but i just love the yams