gigavex Arc User


  • well stuck on for like 45 mins. Very frustrating as the blue bar is very close to the end!!!! I sent a log as I have xp sp1. This has a been a long day...thanx again for all your work I'm sure it's been harder on tech support than any of us gamers in the end :confused:
  • yarg almost 6 hours since starting to get this thang to load. It's now stuck on a (insert eastern asian lang here).dds Good news is my keyboard is now lvl 15 after all this work :):p
  • will keep trying....just seeing if there was a different fix. Thanx for all your help and attention today...I think I would be pulling my hair out right about now.
  • Stuck at for 1.5 hours now. Suggestions? I think the only reason I got past ele. and task were do to files provided by those who had succesfully updated alread, basicly player generated manual patching :)