gegaaura Arc User


  • here are my thoughts, mostly for wizards and in other areas. remove emberstorm, PLEASE!: While it's great idea, it's not so for the wizard. as the wizard doesn't have the time or the hp to charge and burn out his low hp for aoe damage. wizards are too expensive as it is and no one puts skill points into that skill even if…
  • my suggestion is minor. I just thought it might be a good idea to make claws and fists dex damage basesd. arguably you could use strength or dexterity in a real fight. bruce lee for one could hit over 300lbs of force and was 135lbs 5'3 if the Gms think it's worth going that way
  • I have a ton of low grade mats for my blacksmith, could it be possible to a way to turn low grade mats like pig iron, into steel? etc? I know that might seem to make it too easy but I figure it be less hassle and make mats alittle more useful. say you needed 10 or 20 pig iron to make 1 steel? etc?