Sigh.. I guess I'm screwed either way. :( And yup you are right, the antelope killed me in seconds, I've got to run away whenever I see it lol. I felt so fk up when I got killed by the dragons multiple times near heaven tear just to complete the cultivation quest. Leveling to lvl 75 would be pretty impossible like you have…
hmm, currently I'm lvl 33. My stats for now are: (with my 5 points current on hold, still deciding which to add) Vit: 14 Str: 79 (lol, insanely high str? need lvl 75 to balance it :rolleyes:) Dex: 16 Mag: 66 Well, I guess I could use my current heavy set for the time being and balance out my int?
Yea, I do have a pet golem. What I'm confuse is what should I do to increase my magic def? Should I add stats to vit which can increase both magic & physical def along with hp? Or, should I add stats to int to increase magic def instead? However, that will make me hybrid which I originally do not intent to be one, but if I…
Ahh thx for the info and for answering, its hard getting questions answered this days (seems like forums kinda inactive or something). I guess its time to upgrade my golem skills.
What do you mean by gold weapon? So, will I be like useless if I go for melee fox?