There is nothing here about the issue you guys are hearing about. So, i take it you don't care what we are saying. You are just pretending to do something here to get more useless statistics to throw at us like "20,000 of you players said this so........" USELESS
Guess I will look for another game to play... After all the anticipation. tsk,tsk,tsk.... This will be either a very thin community or a game that ends up with nothing but freeloaders. And for those that depend on this game for a Job, ha, better get that resume ready.
I played on the My-EN Server and spent money there. But the prices to buy shop gold are just crazy. I may go back to the other Server in My than pay these prices. Or I may just play not spend anything. 3x the price is just to much. I will not bored you with my status, but most MMOs that are Pay-to-Play have alot more for…
I am using Win XP sp3 and am having this issue. For just an update this sure seems to be a huge issue. I am not going to even attempt to update anymore until I see some results. Have wasted way to much of my monthly Bandwidth to try to get this thing going for the last couple of days.:(
I have been trying to upate this game since the 18th.. no go, have tried all suggestions. always thesame file that it just cannot get past... I have wasted so much time and bandwidth in repeat downloads... Please, is someone really working on this???
I let it run for 16 hours now... finally got bt the but still forever stuck on I really hope they find what is going on...:confused: