ok thx and wait i thought i told you that i was coming from other games soooo this could be entirly wrong jsut saying that this is what spying is used for many times MAYBE NOT IN THIS GAME!!!!!!!!
well these are all guesses never realy tried it =) these are made from things i ahve seen never been a spy before but i ahve seen it happen on other games with the guild/faction wars and what is lrn2english mean????
yeah best band ever FLOGGING MOLLY
So in games such as these (with guild/faction wars and such) the spying is used to find what the opposing guild/faction is going to be doing, such as who they are attacking, or if they are doing dungion raids that could be messed up(onlyif there is a fude ushally but some pple have the mind set of 3rd graders) also becuase…
very very true... but yeah i am making a veno so could you be a male elf to fly me around =) and join Misfits guild and donate all your money :P and yes i am a male lol
but i did click done every time i even checked but any way that doesnt tell why the points whent away, becuase if i hadnt clicked done the would have just reset right? And thx i knew that but just wonderin if sumthing was wrong
so for som reason after i have lvled and got placed the points I click done and close the window then about one min later it shows that I never added them and hte points are gone b:angry oh andwhen ever i go back to desktop and then go back in game i cant click or i will go back to desktop agian thx and this mayb bewcuase…