i had a ida like this along time ago.....AND WHAT ABOUT FEMALE BARBAREANS HU? i can see a wolf, panda, tiger, and lion verno or a fox barbareon. IS ANY ONE THINKING ABOUT THAT! or there can be a "were spell", it turns u into a were versoin of what ever u sulect ( clik a rabbit, become a WERERABBIT!)
class:all class skill sugested:jost logic:when u are on a mount, u should at lest be able to jost some thing if u have the right idem (but my idea for a battle mount would be better)
SO AGREE! HAVE TO HAVE 2 PETS! my wolves would have gerat attaks, i would love to see them do them at the same time.......WANT DUAL SUMMON!
did any one talk about being able to attak while on a mount? if not heres my idea: *be able to attak on a mount* *have speclie mount attaks* *have your pet ride with u when u are flying or riding a mount* *able to have 2 pets out at once* *have SOME bosses be tameable* *let your pet talk* *can there be like…