forumpost Arc User


  • Agreed. PWI should fix bugs first before releasing items in boutique and other useless craps. Look what happened to the horns.
  • Agreed 100%. Please allow an option to filter it from chat boxes in settings or completely remove it. I hate this with passion more than Anni packs (even though I hate them too).
  • What about for people who wants Faction chat to contains just Faction chat? Squad with just squad chat? I want a clean organized chat box. If I want to look at the history of squad chats, I would go to Squad Chat Box and read it (all green color), same for Faction/Whisper/etc.
  • Please, for the love of gamers, allow Perfect Horn to be filtered (as an option in the system settings). Having to scroll up/down to read what's in the Faction/Squad/Whisper chat box is really confusing and annoying. I suppose you (devs) won't understand our frustration regarding this problem; no offense.