foddermike Arc User


  • Couple minor suggestions: #1: Custom user controls - allow users to choose which keys are mapped to which function. There is some limited functionality for this already, just need to expand on it further. #2: Auto Run - not really a biggie, but when you're flying/running in a straight line for 5 mins continuously, you…
  • Currently control customization is strictly limited. It would be nice to get a "mouse look" feature in, where you can use the mouse to spin the camera independently from the character *while moving* not after you've stopped, started combat, or are set to follow another player. Sincerely, -Foddermike
  • This is a game, why would anyone want to bring into it every aspect of real life?!? I'm a father, I already went through the baby stage of life - I play games as my "escape" from reality, so why would I want to get married and have both a virtual family AND a real one?!? Imagine, having to deal with the needs of both your…